
We at Grace are a small congregation, but a very active one! We believe it is important to help our members grow as Christians, but also believe in reaching out to the community around us. Grace  regularly offers Christian formation classes, activities and ministries for adults (and some for kids!). Here is a sampling of our community life.  Come and join us.

Children’s Faith Formation – Godly Play

Godly Play small

Children are invited to Grace’s Sunday experience for them:  Godly Play.  This experiential, sensorial and quiet Christian teaching method is designed to awaken in each child the sense of wonder, awe and natural spirituality inherent in all human beings, young and old.

The Godly Play program is focused on 3-6 year olds from 10 – 10:40 AM,  when they will be brought upstairs to join their families in worship.  Each session begins with an opening song, the story, wondering and prayers, which mirrors the Liturgy of the Word happening upstairs with the adults.  Contact us with your questions or comments.

Due to COVID-19, this program is on hiatus.



Music @ Grace Concert Series

Enjoy free performances on Thursdays by advanced students from Roosevelt University Chicago College of Performing Arts (CCPA) or by professional/semi professional musicians.  This series is co-sponsored by Grace Place Episcopal Church and CCPA.

Due to COVID-19, this program is on hiatus.




Annual “Blessing of the Animals”

Pet blessing group 2016
The South Loop has one of Chicago’s largest concentrations of pets, and Grace realizes the important roles they play in residents’ lives. On the first Sunday in October, Grace joins with Christians worldwide in celebrating the feast day of St. Francis of Assisi, the patron saint of animals. An outdoor pet blessing, attended by members and local residents alike, is followed by fellowship indoors (of both pets AND people) and a worship service that invites and includes our furry friends.

Adult Faith Formation

carrelli teachingFollowing our 10:00 AM worship service and Coffee Hour, we often host discussions led by members of Grace on thought-provoking, faith-encouraging topics.

Please join a formation session after the 10AM service for learning and community. If you have an idea or a topic you’d like to see as the focus of an Adult Formation session, contact Pastor Amity Carrubba.